Rescue Relieve Restore
Building a Better Future
Volunteer opportunities abound at The Sparrows Nest! A key to the restoration process in each child’s life is to have the individual love and care they need to flourish. A child often feels worthless as a result of the crisis in their lives. Individual care helps change feelings of worthlessness to feelings of value and hope. You can make a lifetime difference in the life of a child by volunteering at the Sparrow’s Nest.
Opportunities to serve include both short and long-term commitments. Over the years, we have had both individuals and groups volunteer to help with projects, teaching, and care for the children. We are able to provide housing and help with transportation for qualified volunteers.
Your family can also volunteer by becoming a support family for a child or sibling group. A support family commits to pray for a child and to remember them on special days like birthdays, Latvian Name Days, and Christmas.
If you would like to make a lifetime difference in the life of a child, please contact us for more information.